Nathan Burnside

Senior Vice President
Risk Management

As AEI’s Vice President of Risk Management, Nathan assists AEI in understanding real and perceived exposures associated with contracts, projects, and insurance related matters.  Nathan is responsible for developing and performing a variety of audits for the company to ensure management is aware of potential concerns associated with company related activities.  He also provides training to junior and senior staff on technical, insurance and contract matters through presentations and project management reviews. Nathan has worked in the environmental field since 1998, and has served with AEI since 2009. His prior employment has included work at an insurance carrier, another consulting firm, and a brief stint with a local law firm. Nathan provides creative and responsible decision making decisions in his role which satisfy client request and protecting the interests of AEI. Nathan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology from SUNY Fredonia and is a Registered Professional Geologist in Georgia and North Carolina where he also serves as the Geologist-In-Charge for AEI.