Thomas LaPoint

Vice President
Energy Services

Mr. LaPoint is AEI’s Vice President of Energy Services. His experience includes over 10 years in energy efficiency/sustainability project management and four years in the construction industry. 

Project experience for Mr. LaPoint includes:

  • 300+ Multifamily Building Energy Efficiency Audits
  • Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac Green Up program compliance
  • More than 6 years of experience in multifamily assessments including numerous assignments for Freddie Mac, HUD, and Fannie Mae execution
  • Energy Star Portfolio Manager Certifications and Benchmarking
  • NY Local Law 97 Compliance
  • Fannie Mae Solar PV Module
  • HUD Utility Allowance Calculations
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

Mr. LaPoint has worked in the energy services field since 2013.