Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene Services

AEI’s multi-disciplinary team generates dependable risk management data that provides owners and managers with solutions for mission critical priorities during acquisition due diligence, financing, redevelopment, demolition and/or renovation of existing structures.  Our team of licensed professionals delivers services across North America and assists with asbestos-containing materials, lead-based paint, radon, mold, and indoor air quality assessments, monitoring, management, abatement, and compliance.

AEI’s team includes:

  • Certified Asbestos Personnel (Inspectors/Management Planners, Designers and Supervisors)
  • Lead Inspectors Certified Mold Consultants
  • Radon Sampling Technicians/ Specialists
  • Hazardous Substances Removal and Remedial Actions Certifications
  • Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
  • Certified Safety Professionals (CSP)

Asbestos Surveying

AEI provides a range of services from limited asbestos sampling for minor renovation projects to comprehensive asbestos surveys for demolition and major renovation projects.

Our trained and licensed inspectors evaluate and identify suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in buildings and associated equipment, as well as characterize sites for natural geologic deposits known as ‘Naturally Occurring Asbestos’ (NOA).

There are several reasons for an asbestos survey and the purpose will determine the type or extent of the investigation to be performed. Surveys may be conducted for:

  • Due diligence prior to acquisition or lending
  • Implementation of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) programs to protect occupant and worker health and safety
  • Pre-renovation or demolition activities

Asbestos Abatement

When asbestos abatement is required, AEI expertly assists clients with the following:

Specification Development & Bid Administration:

AEI’s in-house Certified Asbestos Project Designers develop specifications for projects involving the removal of ACMs in accordance with applicable EPA, OSHA, state and local asbestos abatement regulations.

This process includes project management, preparation of bid specifications, and assistance in qualifying and selecting abatement contractors.

Project Oversight, Monitoring, and Clearance

AEI’s Project Management services include coordination of all activities with the owner, site representatives, other tradespersons, the remediation contractor, and our own on-site abatement Project Monitor.

Our on-site Project Manager and/or Project Monitor provides daily documentation of all on-site activities, air monitoring, and project oversight to ensure that bid specifications are followed, safe work practices are utilized, and air fiber levels are maintained below regulatory and/or project-specific levels.

Upon completion of the abatement activities, AEI’s Project Monitor will perform the required visual inspection of each abatement or containment area and perform the collection and analysis – either on-site or at a laboratory – of air clearance samples in accordance with applicable state or federal regulations and the project specifications.

Lead Survey

Buildings constructed prior to 1978 are likely to contain lead-based paint (LBP), which at low levels can be hazardous to children and adults. LBP inspections are often required before demolition and remodeling, or as a part of due diligence in a real estate transaction.

AEI’s professionals are familiar with local, state, and federal lead regulations – and how these regulations affect our clients.

We perform the following lead services:

Lead-Based Paint Hazard/Risk Assessment

AEI’s certified and licensed team performs comprehensive LBP inspections and risk assessments in accordance with State, EPA, and/or HUD regulations, or for OSHA purposes. We are experienced with X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) sampling technology, as well as standard paint chip sampling and wipe sampling.

Lead in Drinking Water

AEI performs surveys to identify potential lead contaminant sources in the water supply for commercial and residential buildings. We assist in finding affordable and effective methods to reduce lead concentrations in drinking water.

Lead-Based Paint Abatement Monitoring

In cases where LBP removal is necessary, AEI provides project management, bid specifications, abatement or construction oversight/inspections, waste manifest review, and a project closure report following abatement. We assist our clients during LBP removal projects to ensure that no lead hazards are present following abatement activities.

Mold and Moisture Intrusion Surveys

AEI’s trained and experienced team conducts assessments for water intrusion and suspect mold growth on surfaces. In certain cases, testing for airborne mold is warranted and performed as either background testing or upon completion of a remedial activity or mold abatement.

Moisture intrusion surveys focus on structural deficiencies or mechanical issues that may allow for water/moisture intrusion potentially leading to mold growth.

Inspection & Remediation Protocols

AEI deploys experienced personnel to deal with any suspect fungal problem. AEI stays up to date with the ever-changing guidelines concerning mold inspection and remediation. All of AEI’s mold investigations follow the ASTM guidelines for assessing readily observable mold, as well as determining conditions and physical deficiencies conducive to mold.

All recommendations derived from our inspections are in accordance with accepted guidelines determined by the EPA as well as the American Conference of Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).

Moisture Management Plans (MMPs)

AEI provides client-specific Moisture Management Plans (MMPs) that outline the steps to be taken if moisture and mold growth are discovered, specify who is responsible for remediation actions, and provide adequate documentation to record all plan activity.

We have completed hundreds of mold surveys, remediation protocols, and MMPs for a wide array of property management groups, real estate agencies, banks, property owners, and schools, universities, hospitals and medical facilities, and local government agencies.

Radon Assessments

AEI helps property owners and lenders reduce environmental hazards associated with radon gas through testing and consulting services. 

Our certified team conducts radon surveys according to EPA protocols, utilizing either short-term or long-term “charcoal liquid scintillation” testing kits, and issuing letter reports detailing findings and providing recommendations for mitigation dependent upon the findings.

Indoor Air Quality Investigation

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) investigations provide evaluations of air quality in public and commercial buildings.

AEI inspects facilities to determine if IAQ parameter deficiencies are affecting the comfort and performance of the building’s occupants. Our parameter standards are taken from guidelines established by the EPA, OSHA, and, when applicable, the ACGIH and the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Operations & Maintenece (O&M Plans)

An Operations and Maintenance (O&M) program is a plan for building owners and managers to maintain materials or contaminants like asbestos, lead, mold, radon, and PCBs within buildings – without disturbing indoor air quality or exposing occupants. This ultimately reduces hazards and limits building owner liability.

Since total removal is not always desirable, feasible, or affordable, O&M Plans allow for the safe and effective management of ACMs, LBP, etc. When maintained in good condition, materials that contain asbestos, lead-based paint or PCBs are generally considered to be safe to building occupants.

To accomplish this, AEI’s individual O&M plans include practices to:

  • Maintain asbestos, lead, and PCB containing materials in good condition and to control or limit the presence of radon gas and mold growth on building materials
  • Ensure proper cleanup of any releases for applicable materials
  • Prevent further release
  • Establish safe work practices and job site controls
  • Monitor condition of materials
  • Train on recordkeeping

AEI Consultants creates O&M Plans unique to each client’s portfolio and site operations in order to limit exposure and liability.